Day 5, the last of the CADIS Leadership Conference, focused on Mobilizing Resources for Humanitarian and Development Interventions. Ms. Usha Menon, specialised in non-profit leadership, strategy, management, fundraising and philanthropy, facilitated the session. During the previous months we organized three online webinars on the role of volunteers, principles of fundraising and donor stewardship.
Ms. Usha reviewed the highlights of the webinars and then gave the floor to the participants and the opportunity to share their experiences, good practices and fears regarding the fundraising process in different countries. Some insights showed that despite the focus areas of each country, challenges and opportunities are similar.
During the workshop, the priorities of each country and the possibilities of engaging new supporters in the CADIS world were analyzed. Each reality has its own context to keep in mind, as well as different needs and opportunities. The challenge is to plan a tailor-made strategic plan in the right way.
Being spread all over the world in many Camillian communities, CADIS has a high potential to implement volunteer activities, humanitarian programmes and create a worldwide community.
At the end of the workshop, each of the participants had the floor to share their reflections at the conclusion of the conference proceedings.

Thus ended the ninth CADIS Leadership Conference, which provided much food for thought and many plans for collaboration, especially in view of the tenth anniversary of CADIS International, which will be celebrated on 1 December 2025, the exact day of its founding.
In view of this important milestone, a working team was formed during the Bangkok conference to plan activities for the celebration of CADIS' tenth year.
The 40 participants coming from 18 countries return home with an important commitment: to continue with the CADIS mission, in view of a future likely to be increasingly threatened by the consequences of climate change, but with the certainty that together we can make a difference and commitment to the most vulnerable communities remains stronger than any obstacle.
It was also an opportunity to get to know each other, share experiences, and raise awareness of the different socio-cultural realities with which we collaborate. We feel closer to each other despite our geographical distances and build a team. Thanks to moments of conviviality such as the final evening of typical dances and songs or the tour to discover typical corners of the city of Bangkok.