On the occasion of the 7th Edition of the health holiday camp with the Association Santé pour la Vie (A.S.-Vie) - July 28 to August 4, 2024 at the Saint Camille boys juniorate
As part of its activities related to the Encyclical of Pope Francis “Laudato Si”, CADIS-BF, in collaboration with the association Santé pour la Vie (AS-Vie), organized a series of seminars on communication for 86 young men and women.
The seminar took place during the 7th edition of the health holiday camp organized by AS-Vie at the Juvénat Saint Camille Garçons from July 28 to August 4, 2024.
CADIS-BF team, composed of Father Pascal BAKORBA and Mr. Maxime OUEDRAOGO, held a session entitled “Environment and health, echo of the message of Pope Francis”.
For an hour and a half, the CADIS-BF team talked to the young participants about the different aspects of the topic, responding to Pope Francis' heartfelt appeal in the Encyclical 'Laudato Si'.
The purpose of the meeting was to share with the young participants questions related to the environment and its protection in accordance with the cry of the heart launched in "Laudato Si" Encyclical. It was also an opportunity to make CADIS-BF known to the young participants and raise their interest in humanitarian and environmental issues.
By developing the theme, participants were able to convince themselves of man's duty to live in harmony with the environment, our common home, and to be enlightened about the disastrous consequences that harmful human actions can cause to nature.
CADIS-BF hopes that this exchange and awareness-raising meeting will be a spark for each of these young participants to question their own relationship with the environment and to contribute in full awareness and knowledge of the facts to joint actions to protect our common space, in accordance with the exhortations of Pope Francis contained in his Encyclical "Laudato Si'".
President of Camillian Disaster Service Burkina Faso
Father Marius SOUSSANGO